Home > Starting Over (Again)

Starting Over (Again)

January 21st, 2014 at 06:02 pm

How have you been??
Let's catch up!
I left my position as partner at the law firm for a new position in higher education (not a teaching position). This is a financial mixed bag. On paper, I left a higher salary -but in actuality, I gained financial stability, (hopefully) lower taxes and a retirement plan. If I stay at my employer, my kids will be eligible to attend a nationally known and accredited 4 year private university for free.

Over the last two years my partnership cost me financially, forcing us to stop forward progress on debt reduction and spend a chunk of savings. It was disheartening.

Moving forward feels good. As expected, the first few months in the new job have been rough - less take home pay, a new paycheck schedule and the usual round of holiday spending and the oil bill.

I've got real progress to make: I need to make selections for my retirement plan, evaluate and adjust our debt reduction strategy and adjust our savings goals. I've also got to figure out how to help my kids learn to appreciate and manage money.

Here's to a prosperous 2014.

4 Responses to “Starting Over (Again)”

  1. Permanent Temp Says:

    It sounds like you made the best choice for your sanity and children's future. Best of luck to you!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Sometimes you have to take a couple of backward steps to move forward. It sounds like you did exactly that. You will accomplish your debt repayment.

  3. Rachael777 Says:

    Good luck.. exciting changes ahead. Smile

  4. Looking Forward Says:

    Sounds like a change for the better. Smile

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